Fun Reads for Friday

Well guys, you may have noticed that I was gone all day yesterday (special thanks to those that emailed asking if I was OK).

I don’t want to bore you guys with all the details but the end story is that I have a kidney infection.

I had woken up in the middle of the night with intense nausea and pain in my lower back, spreading toward my abs. I thought at first that maybe I had an upset stomach because we had REALLY spicy food for dinner, then I thought maybe my stomach hurt because I have been really stressed out this week. But, it just wouldn’t let up. I finally worked up the strength to drive myself to the doctor, where I was immediately put on an IV with fluids. They also gave me pain meds and nausea medicine through that IV in intervals. Fun times.

I received some antibiotics to take over the next week and instructions to get some rest. I know a kidney infection sounds awful and while it is, you should also know that I am more susceptible to getting them and I get them quite often. This is my fifth one so I am pretty used to the whole routine at this point. Basically, don’t worry about me!

Since I’m still not feeling too great, I thought I’d check in with y’all and send you some fun reads for Friday.

  • Creamy Avocado Smoothie. A “Green Smoothie” with no spinach and NO DAIRY!! Woohoo, now all you lactose or non-dairy folks have something to get excited about! I was actually directed not to have dairy for at least 24 hours with this kidney infection so I have a feeling I’ll be making one of these today!
  • So You Want to Try a Tri. A great post about starting out in triathlons – what to wear, what bike to ride and how to coordinate race fees. You all will remember that I got into a car accident the day before my first triathlon (which was an indoor tri that would serve as my first try – pun pun pun πŸ™‚ ) I know that I still really want to do a tri and I am working to get back to that place of preparedness. I really appreciate this info and I assume any other first time tri -ers will too! For more tips on TRIs you might want to consider joining the FitFluential Tri Group on Facebook.
  • Y R U So Nasty. I really like Cam’s thoughts on the lyrics in a lot of current pop songs. I often tell Nick that I don’t want to listen to such and such song because I find it especially demeaning of women, or just plain old disgusting – Cam’s point is that some things are better left to the imagination. And like Cam, I have often wondered if these feelings make me what she has phrased “a Granny Grump.”
  • The Day in the Life of a Work-at-Home Mom. Just a super cute post that made me smile. Enjoy.

I’m off to read my books! The plus side of not feeling well and not being able to sleep: I’m getting a ton of reading done πŸ™‚

Posted on April 27, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. I hope you start feeling better, get lots of rest! I know Nick and Mack will take perfect care of you!

  2. Enjoy your recovery time. Eat, love, and play well!

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